Revival isn't a buzz word
A fad. A passing craze
Revival is the powerful entrance of a holy, just and righteous God to the depraved hearts, lives and habitation of man.
He comes like a raging river, like a rushing wind, clearing the debris, the dead things and nothing can barricade His move.
Lives are never the same. Bodies, minds, land, businesses are healed.
He comes to give life where there was death.
Joy where there was sadness
Freedom where there was bondage.
Light where there was darkness
His mercy and love to appear in our midst, give man a chance to acknowledge and accept God for who He is; Holy, powerful,just.
A chance to repent and get right with Him before the end of this age.
Even the hardest of hearts and babes cannot deny the move of a revival
The revival of Azusa Street saw the above. But unrepentant, hardened hearts who made a mockery also experienced God's full wrath meted swiftly.
The wheels of God's justice turn slowly; but they grind thoroughly.
God isn't impotent or tolerant to sin. God is just. God is holy.
He will justly judge sin. Let's not be mistaken about that.
Let's be found right by Him living obedient, righteous lives. Not a charade to win the accolades of men.
Like a raging river, like a rushing wind, revival will come.
Will we be purified or will we be consumed by it?
2 Chronicles 7:14 AMPC
[14] If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.