Online Shopping Etiquette 101

Online shopping Etiquette 101 There are people who wake up purposely to scam others Then there are also others who purpose to make life better for others The secret is know the difference To be the difference Online shopping is about mutual trust between the buyer and seller. Mutual communication. No seller is motivated to sell to a buyer who doesn't trust them And vice versa It's not advisable to start any transactions if they've been red flags with a particular seller/,buyer. If things go south , learn from where you may have gone wrong. Scammers prey on desperation like hyeanas prey on the wounded weak and sick. They have a nose for desperation. Purchase/ Sell something after deliberate consideration. Appreciate the worth and dignity of the buyer/seller as another person as yourself and put yourself in their shoes To some sellers, it's not just a commodity but a creation they've put together on principles of integrity and excellence. They sell each as the very best of themselves. Communicate. Say yes/,no. Next week. Soon Be courteous Good morning .Thank you....those go far. Each day Each new transaction in business and otherwise, comes with the opportunity to sharpen your discretion skills It's also a lifetime experience that might be very impactful. Rather than fear drive our online sales and purchase, may growth for ourselves and others be our motivation. Ps. Physical location on the internet should be a negligible factor to the possibility of the transaction being completed especially where reliable efficient and cost effective courier partners are engaged. We fail We rise again We live abundantly Zadhili Flowers (Passionate Marketer in truth)
