You Have A Story To Tell

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
You have a story to tell. Often times a piece of it is the inspiration to another's life and more so when God is the centre of it. The enemy will try and silence you, muzzle you with slander against you, lies, false accusations, traumatic events, but arise and find your voice again.Speak His Truth boldly. Today, this is my story. 52 they say is the number of completion,; the beginning of a new season. 52 is round the corner and as the year winds down, it's time to reflect back and plan ahead My best years I ask myself? Raising my daughter and son quickly comes the answer. Sitting behind large official desks never felt complete. Given the option of a corporate job or be a stay at home mum, my heart always yearned for the latter. The bills indeed needed to be paid, but the zeal to equip my children with skills to sojourn this life was always a higher calling. Nurture them is how I was wired . God as a husband to me and a Father to my two children was a balancing act of faith but His mercy, hand and heart never failed. Again and again He came through and my children had front row seats to His love, mercy and Providence. Emmanuel, God with us became real. No social support. Yes the bills needed to be paid,. Distinctly the pressure to return to work after 3 months of my son's birth was unbearable. But God in His love birthed something along side his birth I never could have ever conceived in my finite mind, Zadhili Flowers Page, a business that allowed me to work from my balcony anywhere we were located and still look after my family. To recieve the little ones after school was always a joy. To hear the tales that filled their days, the tears, the highs, the lows, the new adventures. Homework was fun. It never was dull and as two children are never the same, it was constantly exhilarating. Morning breath for children was never unpleasant as they narrated their dreams or simply said Good morning mum. Bouquets of handpicked flowers by tiny hands, Hearty laughter, tears farts and fights , scrapes and songs, questions and unravelling revelations of who we truly are.are best expressed in the arms of the Father, together. Deepest hurts and deepest healings too happen in the family. All this best done in the Father's love and will. The father, the head when disembodied from the family, fractures God's divine order. And where a woman led family must lead, may she lead and guide and nurture in strength and humility under the Good Shepherd.".... Zechariah 13:7 "Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered;I .... God's divine order is the enemies fiercest and sole battle. I don't have a plaque or trophy to say well done for your accomplishment. But to receive a Bible verse that reminds me it's never been in vain from my daughter today (without prompting I may add) is the richest reward I could ever yearn for. It said 2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” My son fervently prays for the work of my hands and my joy and peace now he's away Can I look forward expectantly to great things in the new season. Confidently, yes. It is good to point out Kingdom oriented families are the target of the enemy. Family is the unit the enemy hits hardest because it's the closest unit of reflection and expression of God and His will for mankind. Attacks will come from within and without. Doubt, fear to violent emotional physical to spiritual onslaught will rear their ugly heads time and time again to tear at the very fabric of the family as as unit and as individuals . Many times from those closest to them. Stay fortified in the true Fort. Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, wlhich God prepared in advance for us to do. Romans 11:36 TPT [36] For out of him, the sustainer of everything, came everything, and now everything finds fulfillment in him. May all praise and honor be given to him forever! Amen!
