Lazarus Version 2.0
He heard something
Something said in authority and power
He blinked his eyes rapidly
He was certain it wasn't a dream.
He was certain he heard something
Clearly as a lions roar that reverberates
He heard it
It was the voice that spoke at creation
It was the voice that created the delicate butterflies
It was the voice that created the roaring seas
It was the voice that created the stars
It was the voice that created neurons that allow us to feel, to acknowledge we are alive
It was the voice of the Lion of Judah
Now in him had spoken the same voice , called him by his name.
In Him was the same breath of life that breathed into Adam
He was dead
Now he was alive
The breath that breathed in the valley of dry bones, breathed into him
Hes born again , he has a second chance to live again and do it again in a different power!
In a new mindset, with a new revelation of who he really was. Who God is.
He couldn't dare live the same from this point on
Lord thank you for the gift of salvation. Thank you for the new life in Christ and that we've been born again. Translated from death and damnation in our sins to life in and with you to an abundant and eternal life. Never to be the same ever again.
May we with fresh revelation and understanding, appreciate the gift of salvation you have given us and live in all its fullness. And in so live with a fresh hunger to know your voice and have a passion and zeal to do your will; to live for you
He who created the stars knows you by your name
In Him we live and move and have our being.
Genesis 2:7 AMP
[7] then the Lord God formed [that is, created the body of] man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being [an individual complete in body and spirit].
Genesis 2:7 AMP
[7] then the Lord God formed [that is, created the body of] man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life