Professional Mourners

Professional mourners are in some Kenyan cultures and worldwide cultures and, hired to wail and weep for at the funeral and may not necessarily be at all related or affiliated to the deceased.

Too many sincerely felt unshed tears do not fall at funerals and and if someone can be hired to invoke our hearts not sure of what they are  feeling but sincere mourning,  so let it be. 

Our hearts have been calloused

Sometimes locked away for safekeeping 

Our friends and foes alike told us not to cry 

Let the professional mourners help let our heartfelt tears fall. Let us mourn.

Some of the dead we mourn have wronged us, some of them we don't know, some the dead we wronged them, some of them didn't know us. 

Of the professional mourners, they will remind us of this journey we so travel...

That unshed tears pressing urgently to fall need to do just that; fall

The tears that do need to fall and better still in the safety of  Gods love.

That with God we won't need to hire anyone to invoke our tears. We like the lady Jesus feet, wept tears. Broke her all , emptied herself 


Of the profession.mourners, Thank you.
