The Journey

Some times you need to look back to reassess the path you are walking on. You may need to mourn for things and people lost and left, delusions and misconceptions you were holding onto. But dear beloved if you honoured God and His statues along your journey be comforted my friend. The narrow path is treacherous. It is dark and fraught with danger. But His Word is a light unto your path a lamp unto your feet. Though you walk through the shadow of death He will never leave you nor forsake you. Mourn, weep for the past. Hold no bitterness for it will make the journey you now on harder with the burden of bitterness. But rejoice for the future is bright and beautiful. There will be rejoicing. Place your hand in His. He is a good good Father. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God loves you GT 22/7/2020
