Parents are exasperated, and even disgusted, when they see their children fight and seem to hate one another. How must God feel when He sees His children fight among themselves?
Sometimes parents will have to stand back and let the children fight it out and let them choose from the lessons they as parents have taught their children universally, what's best for them and as a family
An illustration is 3 fighting siblings in a mud puddle. It's dirty, messy and they are sinking deeper . On the sidelines are their children and everything that concerns them. Those too are getting splashed of mud, getting caught up in a fight that's not of their own making.
At one point one sibling has to remember who she is, what she has learned and choose to get out of the mud puddle and stop her part of the fight.
The parent watches on to see what the other two decide.
May we understand with fresh eyes, our true inheritance, our true lineage.
That the assignment is bigger than the mud puddle.
May we remember to whom our obligation and allegiance is to first;the Father