Many times we are driven with moving forward. Wanting new things, progress in the new seasons such as this season. Making new promises, new resolutions. Honestly speaking, we are sometimes Remaking resolutions. Remaking promises we made and didn't keep. But we disquietedly and silently acknowledge there are unresolved issues we need to first finalise to move forward. That for as long as this isssues remain undealt with, you cannot go as far and as fast as you need to. As you hope to; all good intentions included. Sometimes it requires we stop moving forward and stand still and dig our heels into issues and resolve them squarely; boldly. Because if we don't, we risk to run the hamster wheel; no matter how hard or fast we run, we are heading nowhere. New diets, new workouts, new fads won't work in the new season until the old issues are dealt with first, decisively and conclusively. Draw the line and say enough is enough. No more around running in circles. No more running the hamster wheel. Give yourself and others behind you greater chances to break limits and go beyond your wildest dreams. Allow yourself and others further, faster, deeper, wider, higher. Dig in deep. Clean out the unresolved matters with divine wisdom and strategy. With patience, humility and love. It is possible John 10:10 ....I came that you may have life and life in abundance #NewSlate #FreshPage #FurtherFaster #DigInDeep GT 16/1/24
