Good News is Here! What a message! Sometimes we know something isn't right but don't know how to define it But then the light is switched on and it becomes clear as day. Is it possible to be injured and yet not bleed? Yes, you'd be bruised. Is it possible that your inner man is bleeding profusely and deeply bruised? Sometimes all hope is lost and it's a thick, dark fog you could almost solidly grasp in your hand. A fog only you know all and know it all too intimately. A fog that even has the smell, and sound of despair and fear. Just somehow in that bleary gloom, but a little hope still burns. Almost like a phone at 3% can....a flickering candle wick, a dying ember. Not quite alive, but not quite dead either. But.... But He says A flickering wick He will not put (blow) out. He will cup His nail scarred hands around it and allow the wick to rebuild its flame. A bruised reed He will not break (off) He will straighten it gently and even put a splint to it to support it. He will then water it and nurture it back to health until its robust and flourishing. Can hardship crush the inner man? Can Death Loss of job Heart break Divorce Caregiving A difficult marriage Raising children in difficult circumstances? Can identical twins face the exact same trauma and be affected completely differently? One bounces back unscathed and flourishes The other completely crushed and paralyzed by the crippling pain their spirit cannot handle. Their mind and spirit is ikened to a million shards. These shards with sharp, jagged, edges cut the hands seeking for help. These bloodied shards are presented before the best qualified Psychologists The best qualified Psychiatrists Their beloved family and spouses The Sharmas and gurus The cloaked brethren Nothing The owner returns home with the shards, sometimes their hands carrying the shards bleeding even more. Not even numbing the pain stops the bleeding. Nor does it heal the bruises. But... But He says God’s Spirit is on me; He has chosen Me to preach the Message of Good News to the poor, (poor even in spirit) (He) Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners ( from depression, sin, curses and bondages) And recovery of sight to the blind,( now you can see clearly; the fog has lifted. It has cleared completely!) To set the burdened and battered free ( shackles of guilt, accusations, shame and condemnation broken!) To announce, “This is God’s time to shine!” (This the Year of Jubilee! The year of freedom, the year of redemption, the year of restoration!) (Luke 4:16‭-‬21 MSG & Gakenia paraphrase ☺) The Good News is real The Good News is true The Good News is ours!
