His Purposes Will Be Accomplished


Doing my devotionals called Journey to freedom. Day 1.

 I sit at the dining table with my son as he does his devotional too. I ask him to please pass a bible.  There are two. He picks my late Mums bible which hasn't been opened in 30 years; read through; meditated upon; prayed through; cried through.

My son has no clue of weight of his innocent action in obedience. I say nothing. 

See the book mark? I try not to overthink things. 

Then it is at that  moment, I  realise that my mum sat at this very table 30 plus years ago,  praying for me, holding this very bible in this very house where she lived and died. 

She died interceeding for  our family  and now her grandson whom she never met,  handed me her bible in this very place and season.

You could almost feel her presence in the room at that moment.

Powerful emotions flow.

God is a master planner. 

He planned every moment in our lives. Nothing we ever do for the kingdom in sincere pursuit is in vain.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6 NKJV 
