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 Lost sleep. Not quite what I hoped given when I went to bed my nails and hair were aching. It was a gruesome day.

My hands found some chores to attend to  and I found my mind and heart would wander to our children who are screaming for help

They are lying dead in pools of blood and we may have held the knives that killed them. 

Their lifeless bodies hanging from a nose with a rope we handed them. 

We lied to them.  Lied what really matters. Stopped sitting huddled with them in prayer, and sat with them huddled in the bar. Our discussions moved from what we can do to add value to people's lives to how we can make the most out of people. 

We stopped Pointing them to see the wealth they have inside to enrich the world. But we point them to the riches in the world that falsely will enrich them. 

The beautiful picture of the fresh smile of  a new born, family moments, weddings, anniversaries are replaced with flashing selfies strewn across the most desirable locations, Amber colours glasses in hand.

Oh how the Lord desires for them to be in His house taking of the Lords Table,  strewn in abandon with worship of Him.

YOLO they chant but we forgot to tell them there's an afterlife that highly depends on how they live this one. 

Barely adults, with one foot out of the door fumbling to make it thru the maze of life, knowing there's no turning back if need be, ill equipped to celebrate life as was intended by God when he put that babe in his mother's arms. 

My heart bleeds, shatters. How the Fathers heart breaks  Father forgive us as parents and guardians 

Teach us your ways to honour your precious gifts of children.
