Tamar Laughed Again

 Tears, hot tears, fell fast. 

She could feel a wail rise up inside of her.

Raised to be 'prim and proper', wailing wasn't an option.

What would the neighbours say?

Think about the children she was told 

When the thunderstorm reverberated loudly, she could scream.

But that thunderstorm

season ended. 

So sometimes in the shower wails of unshed tears rose

They came over the kitchen sink.

When folding the laundry 

The stark reminders of the journey past were real. The scars, smells, memories 

They were real

Real pain 


No matter what anyone said 

It was her pain 

She now understood God wept watching  her going through it all.

But yesterday the sun literally kissed her face and she stopped, closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling; the deep knowledge something had shifted.  She was loved.  She was safe.

She marvelled how a torn garment she was folding  could create such strong emotion and quickly understood also how well kept she was through the trials.  She knew there were things that she'd be shielded from her knowledge or experience. 

A torn garment quickly turned her tears into  deep rejoicing. Tamars spirit  mourned but I choose to believe she laughed again. 
