

Death is a spiteful robber however you look at it.

Whether its an old graying man who lived his life fully or a child who died invitro; deaths sting is ugly.

He lived his life recklessly and died violently

The baby didn't celebrate a day

The sting is exactly the same

Can we prepare our loved ones adequately for death?

A mother teaches her son that one day she May die but he dies before her
a year later the grief kills her
She dies from a broken heart

I long to see my grandchildren
My children are 15 and 3
No. Hopeful

May our earnest prayer be that each moment we lived with our loved ones will be the wind under their wings to soar higher than we did

That life will be full for them in their lifetime

And the sting of death will be bearable
May they find strength to heal and love and live life fiercely

Have we prepared our loved ones adequately?
Have we prepared ourselves adequately?
