Farming is what keeps the world running.
Many life lessons can be learnt from farming.
Many life lessons can be learnt from farming, but please let me give the analogy of plant farming with which I am familiar with.
There is time to plant, to harvest and in between there's a period of rest. Also between the period in between the harvest and the planting season there's a rest.
If there were people I met who were most content were farmers. They understood the seasons and that there was little that they could do to change or control the seasons.
Thus to them total reliance on God's consistency of the seasons gave them the reassurance they will be alright. They never panicked.
The droughts and diseases came and some times people died. But it is the circle of life.
They never interfered with it and modern methods that have tried to play God's cycle have backfired on us thus increased illnesses.
But I return to the point of my note. The seasons were marked with song and dance. Though they tilled the land in song too, the songs were different. They were songs of hope.
During weeding, the songs too changed to songs where they desperately needed what they had planted to thrive. In that way they could pray that God would bless the work of their hands not only for providing but for also being diligent with what they had been given.
During harvest it was gratitude and as they awaited the next season of planting, it was a time of awe and reverence to one higher than them.
And the cycle continued. None ever the same. Some lush abundance. Some some quite not so even if the effort deliberated was the same. But we are never the same in after each cycle
And such are the cycles of our life.
Ours is to be keen and see the season in which we are in. And those of our loved ones. Sing with them in that season.
If they need a hand to plant, please join them. If they are resting as they repair their tools grab a mending kit and sing with them.
If they have lost their crop or their land was ravaged by animals or disease, give from your store house and sing with them.
For the harvest will be plentiful and you have a feast where not just the two of you shall enjoy but the whole village that one of their own made another cycle.
Watch the seasons of life. For in each one there is a song and a friend and even a foe in each. But remember no cycle is ever the same.
May you thrive in each season. May you grow from strength to strength in each cycle . May you have partners to walk with you and you have the fortitude to walk with another. It will change. Let us sing in the meanwhile
Gakenia Thumi