Walking through the busy streets, the array of noise, the sea of bodies, the distinct smells, I couldn't help but notice the red flower set in a well trimmed bush. A naturally showy flower, the hibiscus doesn't shy away to express its beauty.
I can't think of a time I ever saw a hibiscus in half bloom. It either was or wasn't flaunting its exotic beauty.
It also knows in its beauty, is its vunerablity. Its an extremely delicate flower with a short life span. So it does its best when it should.
Rarely do these lovely blooms survive a heavy downpour. But the reason this particular one caught my eye was the fact it was still intact after a good shower this afternoon. It defiantly survived the odds.
Sometimes it takes sheer will, strong personality, right decisions, good support systems, some may say fate or the stars or positive energy to survive heavy downpour metaphorically speaking. But truth is, this is all is fallible.
Learning that even in my limited wisdom, none of the above is the real reason why anything happens the way it does, has been humbling. There's no logical sequence of events. How does one explain a child with badly burnt hands. Does all hope die?
Or the mysterious survival of a suicide attempt of a person who's life logically defined hopelessness?
It never does and never will make logical sense.
But like the red hibiscus in the storm, our lives are in His hands. The one wise rather than logical thing would be to intentionally put our lives in the capable knowing, hands of He who created us. It may never make sense, but it all turns out well there.
The definition of love has hands to see it all though, the best way for you. Just place it all there.