Is it possible the Prodigal son wrote his
sibling a letter to this sibling like this?
My heart holds nothing else but love for you my brother. You encouraged me when I needed it most and thank you.
Life in its kaleidoscope of colours allows lives to take different paths than we hope them to.Sometimes in rebellion and sometimes not in rebellion to authority, but in everyones uniqueness, people search and make their own path.
Sometimes the least expected path.
And if God is with each one of us and will not forsake us, and He has a good plan for each one of us, everyone is within God's plan even though we may not approve of their choices that they make along the path of life.
I am glad I've walked this path. It was mine even before time begun.
I am glad you are in my life. Yours have been a beautiful set of feet that have walked beside me at a perfect time. Thank you brother.
I wish you hands to hold yours and shoulders to lean on and listening ears in many shades of love as you journey through life.
Loving you is a treat.
Baby brother
sibling a letter to this sibling like this?
My heart holds nothing else but love for you my brother. You encouraged me when I needed it most and thank you.
Life in its kaleidoscope of colours allows lives to take different paths than we hope them to.Sometimes in rebellion and sometimes not in rebellion to authority, but in everyones uniqueness, people search and make their own path.
Sometimes the least expected path.
And if God is with each one of us and will not forsake us, and He has a good plan for each one of us, everyone is within God's plan even though we may not approve of their choices that they make along the path of life.
I am glad I've walked this path. It was mine even before time begun.
I am glad you are in my life. Yours have been a beautiful set of feet that have walked beside me at a perfect time. Thank you brother.
I wish you hands to hold yours and shoulders to lean on and listening ears in many shades of love as you journey through life.
Loving you is a treat.
Baby brother