Supermans' Kryptonite

There's that one thing that fells giants. Even the greatest of men and women. The one smooth stone in a sling that brings them to their knees. The Kryptonite that makes Superman jelly, helpless as a tot.

We all know what our smooth stone is. The one thing that we dread would be flung our way. Betrayal, I think top's many peoples list. Some rejection. Whatever it is for each of us, the pebble sinks deeper, when its thrown from the ones we love and trust.

Maybe its done quite in error but in our human and fallen state, we hurt those we love deepest. We hurt them with what they treasure deepest. We crash their ego's, their happiness, their accomplishments, their failures, their past, their hopes, their dreams. We make them relive their worst nightmare.

In fear of dying from the one thing we dread the most, many build walls, some fortresses with electricity. Some have fiery and poisonous arrows shot out when one approaches too close. Some run. Whatever the choice of defence mechanism, fear is the driving force.

The Chinese teach that when we've mastered our fears, we are then great. I agree. It means we don't have to look over our shoulder constantly but rather we'll be looking ahead. We can hope, rejoice, forge forward. We spend less time and resources watching the security system and invest in building whatever greatness we are meant to be. We can spend less energy running and more building.

The ability to master your greatest fear is to acknowledge it, understand it, believe it can't crash you. Refuse your fear to be the driving force that gets you out of bed. Or not. You are needed out there by a world to find you in your finest form, eyes ahead, hope abundant. Trust that your back is covered.

Your pain, your fears, your nightmares will get you to your next place. Not crash you because you are bigger than them. Eyes ahead. Trust.

All things work together for good for them who love the Lord.

Go out there brave and mighty soldiers and excel!
