Shujaa Style

Puppy has grown. His finally got a name; Shujaa. He's joy is infectious. He looks like he'll wag his tail right off sometimes. Is it him wagging his tail or his tail wagging him? He's happy. The twinkle in his eye's, sheer innocence, trust; you wish noone would that take away.

But that doesn't happen.

Life takes ALOT out of us. The gleam in our eye goes out, sometimes it fades away, sometimes it just goes out like a light bulb. Our dreams dusty boxes on shelves. We can't really laugh from the depths of our belly like we used to. We can't really look at others in the eye with hope and trust because too many times we did, too many times they let us down.

But I like the reset button there is in life. The one that allows you to feel like you'll explode with joy. The one that you enjoy the new ring in your laughter. The one that lets you sing loudly, even though you're off key. The one that lets you talk and talk and talk and you like it.

The reset button lets you have a new bounce in your walk. It lets you throw your shoulders back. It lets you exhale and smile in the mirror at yourself and decree how beautiful I am, how handsome I am. I am perfect, wonderful, justas I am. My hands aren't glued to the sides of my body so I can dance!

Its a very easy button friends. Its called TRUST. Trust God's promises are true. His love is true for you. He's got good plans for you and if you are alive He's not thru with you. Being a Zombie isn't anywhere in the plans He drew up. Fullness of joy, peace, love, happiness, provision, all you need is on the menu for you. Shujaa style. Its yours for the taking.

Say enough is enough and hit the reset button swearing to yourself If i died today I'll die happy. I die with peace, with joy, with love in my heart. At my funeral, when they look at me in my casket, I'll be smiling.

Get moving people. Lets Trust. Lets trust with every fibre of our being that the best selling Book is true for me and you!

Get loosed!
