Am not sure of the full symbolism of sharing a meal but I know for sure is the nourishment is deep. That the people who rise from that table arise refreshed in more ways than one. The fellowship leaves the soul nourished, relationships refreshed and the body fed.
It rarely matters what the table is made of, its shape or whats laid on it. A large glass chandeliar may greatly improve the ambience. The true value though is not the costs incurred but what is shared, the mood, the truths, the joy, the inspiration to face another part of the day, another part in the season; to be thankful.
Everyday we have the chance to inspire, love to be inspired, to be loved over a simple but a true meal seasoned, marinated with love, with joy. That when we return from the beatings of the world at the end of the day, there shall in its seemingly mundane chore, a well spring for refreshing be.
The sanctity of the dinner table for the family can't be overly emphasised.
Our own Lord shared many a meal with His disciples but the one of His greatest moments was at a dinner table.
Its never perfect at that table with burdens and cares of each may still be on some shoulders. Some may have battles among each other. Christ even sat on the same table with who would kill Him but He also dined with who would see His legacy live on.
Though we are to love all, where and with whom we nourish our souls, our relationships and our bodies is of utmost importance.
Family gatherings held once or twice a year fascinate me. The pomp, cost and hassle put in just to show off, bicker, grumble and gossip would be better invested in a daily encouragement of these our own family members.
That everyday our family members across the world rise nourished in more ways than one so that they can be all they can be. That I think counts more than a large biannual bash of sure indigestion and anger and unresolved issues