Poor Moses

Moses must have been one frustrated dude. His people are in bondage they half like it because anyways do they know otherwise? Also the Pharoah doesn't want to let them go and God has even hardened his heart just to add onto the already daunting task. God has called Moses out of the desert where he'd rather be at this point and he's having his own doubts whether he can pull this one off. Leave alone the logistics of moving about 4 million people to a new place, he had their hearts to deal with. Why should we move? Its just fine right here. What does he know anyway of this promised land? He's never been there anyway? What does He know of our suffering? He's been in the desert cause he's too coward to do our work etc

Moses must have had death threats as well.
Fear by day by night. But he had to do it. He was called, chosen. He could have chosen to give up but he had a passion for too many years now in his heart for his people. Try as he may to ignore, his people were in bondage. They died before their time, they didn't know fullness of joy, they didn't know of God's love, His blessings, His face. Pharaoh had nothing to loose having God's people in bondage. He had everything to gain. 400 years, it even seemed the normal way of things. Why change the status quo?
Not by any fault of his own, his brother Aron didn't really buy into Moses's passion. So he couldn't carry out his dream. He spoke on Moses's behalf to the King, he acted on his behalf when Moses went to the mountain. But he only spoke the words Moses gave him. He didn't speak from his heart, from his own passion. He couldn't. Aron compromised with Israelites when moved from their comfort zone to doing things based on faith. Based on obedience. But the peoples hearts got in their own way. They did what they knew best and fed their selfish needs. Moses will never need to know if we don't tell.
Moses was raving mad and I totally feel him when he broke the tablets. I'd have done the same. Don't these twits see its not for me but its for God?

The same God who got them across nothing humanly possible in the parting of the Red Sea.

The Israelites had seen signs and wonders over and over again but these guys were not getting Moses's mission. Arg!

But Moses did what he needed to do and didn't quit despite his own self doubts. Despite the evident hearts of doubt from the Israelites and Egyptians alike. Neither did Christ. Both Moses and Christ saw to the end the freedom of God's loved people and they didn't die until their mission was accomplished. Then the people finally got it!

Moses and Christ were here to really to give us the life we should have. We are set apart, loved, chosen, not needing to be in bondage. Free.

There's not going to be another Christ, another Moses. We can be the complaining, murmuring Israelites casting doubt on his credibility and even his ability, his intentions. We could even spend our lives committed to debating Moses or Christ and his mission.

The bottom line is that we are loved by God. He intends for us to live life in fullness even in the trials of life.

Whats asked of us is 2 things; trust and obey. Thats it. Run out of excuses for being in Egypt. On sitting on the fence. Of living in misery. Say enough is enough, say you want to live in freedom and listen to Moses. Forget the meat you ate in Egypt, manna is even better for your health. Make sacrifices. Forget the gods you served. What did they give you but temporary relief? But did they ever see you to a great future eventually? Worship God with your body and mind and soul to whom declares He has a great future for you. Quit complaining the rules are too strict and obey them so you can be stretched to all you can be.

There will be no other Moses, no other Christ so today I'll call it what it is and speak directly, now is when to Trust and Obey God who loves you.
