10th Life

Kitty darling is a bag of bones! Overnight almost he lost so much weight. Someone thought kitty heaven would be nice for him and fed him poison. They forgot cats have 9 lives.

What happens at his 10th life? Froze when death showed its face again. One becomes almost intimate with it when you meet many times. It hands cold. Its smell distinctly unpleasant. Its aura stifling. It can stop you in your tracks when you meet but after a while, you recognise it and can stare it down with strength and calm. It robs ruthlessly and then laughs. Death not yet here, can steal your joy for today if you let it. Its a worthy adversary.
More than the fear of death of the physical body, I find death of the soul much more frightening. Death of passion, hope, joy. That, is much worse. Too many walk thru life as zombies, half dead to life in its fullness and say life is tough, thats just how it is. They go thru the motions. Few live in Life's fullness. Trying to build inner strength to enjoy life can break, kill one too, if not done with wisdom as they are Trying to avoid being a zombie.

Is there a point of balance?

Kitty brought in a bird for his breakfast this morning after 3 days of force feeding him. I think he'll make it thru to celebrate is 9th life.

Live life in its abundance.
