Only one can head a home, an organisation. There always is one. A decision maker, the authority who dictates how it will be done. His rule decides the destiny of not just his family or organisation, but of generations to come. His word is law and not half yes, half no. It just won't work.
A spiritual head, whom we appoint, as well decides the destiny of the home and generations to come. Its a seat never vacant and whoever occupies it dictates life or death for that family. Nothing in between.
Generations today and to come, are a result of an authoritys' decisions. Their choices for generations will be for them to flourish or be completely devastated.
Altars raised reveal who sits on the throne. Physical and spiritual. (I guess thats why kings thrones are raised; there's no mistaking who's in charge! Its a seat considered with semisacrilege you wouldn't dare sit in.) Reverence they call it. Not fear per se. Reverence.
It becomes a poorly rooted home, organisation if shaky decisions are made. If too many compromises are made. Whether we 'swear in ' or acknowledge a leader or not, it doesn't dispute their existence.
Even with our personal choices poor or not, our parents and forefathers made decisions that affect us. We are not alienated of them. We carry their blood in our veins and a spiritual bond. What we have a choice about is whether to continue the inherited altar for which our children will worship at, our organisations vision shall carry or shall we break that altar and place our God (god, self, idol ...) on it.
Our God/god will take H(h)is place whether we like it or not. Whether we choose to 'swear' Him in or not. As we have authority and choice to whom our leader is, who will decide our destiny, why don't we today with no fear? Let our altars be raised for all to see who rules our lives.
A spiritual head, whom we appoint, as well decides the destiny of the home and generations to come. Its a seat never vacant and whoever occupies it dictates life or death for that family. Nothing in between.
Generations today and to come, are a result of an authoritys' decisions. Their choices for generations will be for them to flourish or be completely devastated.
Altars raised reveal who sits on the throne. Physical and spiritual. (I guess thats why kings thrones are raised; there's no mistaking who's in charge! Its a seat considered with semisacrilege you wouldn't dare sit in.) Reverence they call it. Not fear per se. Reverence.
It becomes a poorly rooted home, organisation if shaky decisions are made. If too many compromises are made. Whether we 'swear in ' or acknowledge a leader or not, it doesn't dispute their existence.
Even with our personal choices poor or not, our parents and forefathers made decisions that affect us. We are not alienated of them. We carry their blood in our veins and a spiritual bond. What we have a choice about is whether to continue the inherited altar for which our children will worship at, our organisations vision shall carry or shall we break that altar and place our God (god, self, idol ...) on it.
Our God/god will take H(h)is place whether we like it or not. Whether we choose to 'swear' Him in or not. As we have authority and choice to whom our leader is, who will decide our destiny, why don't we today with no fear? Let our altars be raised for all to see who rules our lives.