Dares Of Sacrifice

Streams in the Desert, Dec 20
I am not alone, for my Father is with me ; John 16:32
it is certainly unnecessary to say that turning conviction into action requires great sacrifice. It may mean renouncing or separating ourselves from specific things or people, leaving us with a sense of deprivation and loneliness. Therefore the person who will ultimately soar like an eagle to the heights of the cloudless day and live in the sunshine of God must be content to live a relatively lonely life. God seeks "eagle" people to for noone comes into the full realisation of the best God in His spiritual life without learning to walk alone with Him. Abraham, Moses, Lot, jacob, Daniel. It is in the experience of isolation that the Lord develops an independence of life and of faith so that the soul no longer depends on the continual help, prayers faithand care of others.
God knows how to change our circumstances in order to isolate us. And once we yield to Him and He takes us through the experience of isolation, we are no longer dependent on upon those around us, although we love them as much as before. Then we realise that He has done a new work within us and that the wings of our soul have learned to soar in loftier air. We must dare to be alone.
