As The Children Believe, Let Us Believe Too

Children trust. They believe with their whole heart that the truth is the truth. No doubts, no questions. They just believe.
What if we did believe of God's grace for us? That God's grace is real? That it's available for us?
We've been taught for a long time of the law. Could it be that grace is rather, what it is all about? Not the law.
Following is a concise distinction of LAW (Whichever religion, Islam, Christianity, whichever denomination, Catholic, Protestant, whichever school of thought, New Age, Philosophy) and GRACE (who God really is; what He's all about). God desires we experience every single moment this Grace. Imagine a life filled with His grace in every sphere of your life as you read this.
Law says Do

Grace says It is Done

The Law emphasizes What We Do

Grace emphasizes What God Does

The Law lives Out of The Flesh

Grace lives Out of the Spirit

The Law Draws on Our Resources

The Grace Draws on God's Resources

The Law Deals with External Rules, Regulations, Standards

Grace deals with Inner Heart Attitude.

The Law's Primary Focus is Ought To, Should, Must

God's grace Primary Focus is Want To

The Law Creates, Bondage, Duty, Obligation

Grace Creates Freedom

The Law Lives Life from the Outside In

Grace lives Inside Out

The Law declares Do in Order To Be

Grace declares You are; Therefore Do

The Law Produces Guilt and Condemnation

Grace Produces Acceptance and Security

The Law Leads to Defeat

Grace Produces Victory
