Most frustrating experience i have is the trying to log onto yahoo mail from my phone . Brings you to a point that you believe you can access your mail, then you need to sign in again... and again... and again... and again.
Promises of great things. That's it.
Revelation of possibilities and all it holds is what we have.T.D. Jakes describes revelation as 'what we have discovered the most spectacular event of significance'. We may even move on to the next point; inspiration. Our heart is thrilled. Our heart flutters and we may even move our lips to say something, anything to hold on to this exciting 'thing' And we press the sign in button. Alas. No formalisation of our commitment happens!.
We are asked to sign in again and again. So we look for another job, another affair, another... Just never get to see your mail. Many today live a life where they get this far. It never takes root to practical living, just talk of how exciting it is to be here... And that's it. Jakes says its not about possessing skills, its about whether the dream possesses you enough to make you sacrifice, to make it functional, to formalise it. I continue the read Jakes presents but I'll stand up and go to an alternative such as a cyber cafe for the meanwhile to log in. To get to see my mail. To see it happen. Am possessing my dream.
Promises of great things. That's it.
Revelation of possibilities and all it holds is what we have.T.D. Jakes describes revelation as 'what we have discovered the most spectacular event of significance'. We may even move on to the next point; inspiration. Our heart is thrilled. Our heart flutters and we may even move our lips to say something, anything to hold on to this exciting 'thing' And we press the sign in button. Alas. No formalisation of our commitment happens!.
We are asked to sign in again and again. So we look for another job, another affair, another... Just never get to see your mail. Many today live a life where they get this far. It never takes root to practical living, just talk of how exciting it is to be here... And that's it. Jakes says its not about possessing skills, its about whether the dream possesses you enough to make you sacrifice, to make it functional, to formalise it. I continue the read Jakes presents but I'll stand up and go to an alternative such as a cyber cafe for the meanwhile to log in. To get to see my mail. To see it happen. Am possessing my dream.