Polka dot tye and dye dress or is it tie?

it was 10 am only and she was already uncomfortable with what she had chosen to wear for the day to work. Across town, the same feeling has occured to him. that tie was not just going to happen for the day at jobo. it was making him truely uncomfortable.

well they both lived at least an hours drive away from their respective offices to home and they would loose two hours of office hours to get home and change and be back.

they went home and changed their outfits every other day.

Friends we meet are like pearls in our crowns. from the first hello, from the first contact, they are part of us forever. they were destined to meet us along the path called life, somewhere along the way. and we said hi in return they say hello or vice versa. Maybe a smile, an email, maybe eye contact; but a bond is formed. it never was a mistake. Thats just how it was supposed to be.

then along the way, they may not be all we hope for them to be, wish they would be. oh my god! did they just say that? did they just do that? i swear i wouldnt do that to anyone.arg!!!! Thats just so wrong!
i need to drop their number
i need to block them on yahoo, fb whatever
i need to avoid em

everyday the effort to go back and change and loose time at work (now read friend-) made-decision) to wear that outfit, to take that number, to make that friendship,airtime, time! too much energy is spent reversing all that

maybe take a little longer to get dressed in the morning
maybe accept your choice
maybe your perception of your outfit is all wrong
maybe thats just how the outfit is
in its uniqueness

how would it feel to be in their shoes?

this is a lesson so humbly, firmly yet gently taught to me by a friend whom i hold dear for refusing to let me go because despite our differences there was still something that bound us together forever. The first hello. thanks lashes

Nothing is for nothing
