Full Circle

I knew I would come to the point of full circle

Being there and back

I said it before I stepped out

I will be back at this very point when I am done

Knowing definitely that I shouldn’t do what I would

But then yet trying it out

Why not?

The thrill!

Being able to step into the new waters and definitely testing the theory!

Holding only myself accountable for my actions hereon (hoping so)

And acknowledging the same (really?)

Sweating more then I should (for real here)

But boy, the thrill! I did it

I would return to the shores, the waters I once knew

So drawn by the thrill I did it

And I returned to the shores from the adventure I shouldn’t have taken, was told by history not to take but I took

Burnt and humbled

Apart from relearning the new lesson that it was not the right way to go by those who had travelled the same road

And yet I chose to defy it,

Argument of human nature checks in here?

Guess what life throws in?

New hard personal lessons

Wow! These lessons had my name deeply engraved

All three names!

Wisdom to me here is clearly reverberated in the saying don’t try to reinvent the wheel

It is there today many thousands years later and even improved on (ask Michelin)

Those who said this then and were there then,

They did it,

They fell

And tell us not to go the same way

Today, they are heroes or not

From whatever route they took from that point on

History is made.

Not sure about you

But after ll that drama, (right now) am too lazy to reinvent the wheel

Too tired to remake history

I want to be an improvement engineer on the Michelin Tyre Team

