Parenting with its challenges! Ha! its roller coaster moments are
incomparable to any menacing deadlines any boss could impose. Talk about 7.45 pm, sunday after a great weekend. We've taken it easy, fights cut back to one or none a day!Wish school holidays were like this!
Well, back to today, pressure is mounting to do a school project we've evaded all weekend. 7.45 pm means 15 minutes to do it before bed time.A project the teacher gave us at least 4 hours to work on past friday.Something about sharing responsibility with the tot's we deliver to em
or punishing us; who knows! I am absolutely rattled, the child
perplexed but face has to be saved here, child's and mine! Assignment awaits.
Armour drawn from dusty corners, creativity appears only morzart could
have felt with his greatest piece. 2 and a half hours later, covered
in glue happy, encouraged, we're both heading to bed assured the
teamwork and determination has just be (re)defined.
The glee on her face is priceless. Parenting just appreciated in a new
dimension. Whatever your mountain this week, its bearable. The prize
at the end of it all is much much more then you dare believe!
Za and me