It took an innate knowledge of the authority He had to stand there fearlessly.
He didn't demand he be bound first
He didn't even touch Him
He knew the weight of the battle
As God, He knew this was waiting for him aforehand
He stood His ground
He spoke words of authority
No condemnation
His motive
He freed him from years of walking in circles among dead things.
Of hurting himself. Of people hurting him, doing what they knew best; rejecting him. The status quo suited them everyone just fine
At last he was free
Mercy set him free
Love set Him free
To show his family and the world real love.
Real authority.
What are we doing with our freedom from Christ?
As Jesus stepped ashore, a demon-possessed madman came out of the graveyard and confronted him. The man had been living there among the tombs, and no one was able to restrain him, not even with chains. For every time they attempted to chain his hands and feet with shackles, he would snap the chains and break the shackles in pieces. He was so strong that no one had the power to subdue him. Day and night he could be found lurking in the cemetery or in the vicinity, shrieking and cutting himself with stones! When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran to him and threw himself down before him, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Leave me alone, Jesus, Son of the Most High God! Swear in God’s name that you won’t torture me!” (For Jesus had already said to him, “Come out of that man, you demon spirit!”) So Jesus gave them permission, and the demon horde immediately came out of the man and went into the pigs! This caused the herd to rush madly down the steep slope and fall into the lake, drowning about two thousand pigs! At this, the herdsmen ran to the nearby villages, telling everyone along the way what had happened, and the people came out to see for themselves. When they found Jesus, they saw the demonized man sitting there, properly clothed and in his right mind. Seeing what had happened to the man possessed by many demons, the people became afraid. Those who had witnessed this miracle reported the news to the people and included what had happened to the pigs. And as Jesus began to get into the boat to depart, the man who had been set free from demons asked him, “Could I go with you?” Jesus answered, “No,” but said to him, “Go back to your home and to your family and tell them what the Lord has done for you. Tell them how he had mercy on you.”
Mark 5:2-8, 13-16, 18-19 TPT