Traveling by public means for me has several perks and have somewhat of a preference for it.
The human face to it, makes it enjoyable; real.
Excited children renewing our fascination by things we've grown accostomed to.
The sleeping mzee, in clean yet old clothes.
The youth who won't look up from his phone, with headphones on, missing out on amazing conversations; exquisite sites of our beautiful country.
The women chattering about their children and close relationships.
The know- it- all about the trip.
The woman with a tad bit much perfume.
The man evidently without; on a hot January day.
Today was interesting. I sat between Josphat and Angela. Each of them strangers to me and to each other, but bonds formed, even tears shed half an hour later.
What is the probability both of them had lost loved ones to cancer?
What is the probability both would say its a very tough journey emotionally and very expensive?
The journey of hope, of funerals, of continuing legacies, of renewed hope, of family support, of the power of love that gives the extra wind to journey on.
My thoughts, my today reminder is 'be kind to everyone you meet.' We are all walking a rough journey.
Also to keep the vision alive.
To live fully,courageously.
To die empty.
Life is beautiful
Life is tough too
But with hope and love
We are triumphant