My friend posed a question' has anyone done something so evil even the devil would have smiled?
Yes. In 2016 after the merry making festivities, prayers and good wishes to each other, I received a sworn affidavit citing the most vile lies against me from the same people....
Please read that again.
The devil blushed at such evil; he prided at his prodigys excellent handiwork. A masterpiece. Malice, slander, all tied up neatly on this printed paper, signed to verify that this was their choice willingly sworn before the highest court of the land.
Emblazoned in the annals of history, an informed decision to allow their name and legacy be remembered as such.
But, what must get done must get done.
So long ago, Jesus hung on the cross slandered, humiliated, beaten. Naked in front of those He healed, He taught, He loved so much, that He had compassion on.
He could have used His power and authority to put an end to it instantaneously.
But He didn't.
He could have called on His Father to smite them to dust and ashes
But He didn't.
He could have tried to justify himself.
But He didn't.
He had a task to complete. This was in the plan. This very horrible action was in the plan.
Good News.
The Truth in Jesus story and my story has unfolded. Light will never be put out by darkness
Friends, the accusers fiery darts are real. They cut deep into the soul. They wreak havoc, burn hope & dignity: destroy selfworth.
But the truth prevails.
We are loved
We are free
We are His
We have a hope and a future
Let's not grow weary in doing the Fathers will. You will know the Fathers will because it has the elements of hope, love, joy, peace, gentleness, self control and such beauty exuding with ease.
Anything else is from the enemies camp.
Continue however relentless the enemy may seem. You are guaranteed victory.
Even though it takes 4 generations to get the job done, start now and don't quit.
Love triumps
God triumps
Because God is light.
Because God is love