My 2 monthloves his first rattle. His eyes are open wide and he kicks and coo's with delight. He can't quite grasp it yet as he hasn't got to development stage that allows the use of his thumb.
Princess, almost 13, now stepping into knowledge of her future roles as woman, wife, employer and employee uses her deo when she remembers as she has only two of the 2million sweat pores under her arms she's yet to develop .
Me turning 40 soon pondering on purpose of life and if I am holding the trophies I should be by this developmental milestone. Then I realised;
I traded in a house for a solid spiritual foundation for the generations to follow me.
I traded in the car to walk the tough road of righteousness
I traded in the fancy perfumes for the aroma of peace to fill the rooms of my heart and home.
I traded in the fancy jewellery I adorned to take on my roles as God designed as a mother, wife, sister, employer, employee, citizen.
I traded in the fancy handbags along side my baggage of unforgiveness and bitterness for wings of liberty to love
I traded in my power suits for garments of humility, content, integrity,
My lips hunger no longer long fancy foods but rather sing His praise and hunger for His presence.
My shoe rack is no longer lined with the latest stillitoes but sandals quick to serve in His name.
I put aside my knowledge for His wisdom
I am trailing in the pack mainly because I joined the class late from sheer stubborness but am blazing in my little corner.
Doing the best I can, I am burning the midnight oil to get it right. To fulfill my purpose urgently because this life has no known end.
I have experienced grace, forgiveness from my Teacher and sometimes He gives me extra lessons in the love I experience from unexpected quarters.
He rewards me with milky smiles from my son, confidence in my daughters gait, loving arms of family and friends .
I almost dropped out but He wouldn't let me go. I may never get it right but I sense I am just meant to try my very best.
Now I must sign out to shake my sons rattle for him and i think I'll dance along too!