May you exude the sweetest perfume of the Saviour that draws them to the table that He may serve them a banquet which satiates completely.
May the images of His love poured into your life not be blurry but sharp and crystal clear that they may see how authentic, enduring His love is for all people.
May they feel of His gentle yet firm touch that heals, restores to wholeness and keeps secure.
May they be captured by His compassion for you,
His grace,
His abundance,
His joy and peace that is a never ending stream out of your life.
His authority is seen in your boldness,
Your confidence of His Truth,
Your security that He never changes.
Your footsteps a dance in worship of a Holy, perfect God.
That you are an an embodiment of Him.
That your very being is of Him
That you are so intertwined, they cannot find your end nor His beginning.
Every single day
Acts 28:17