An attempt to fuss over my daughter one rainy day recently was met with gentle rebuke.
I asked her that from her journey from college to home, she avoids the rain best as she can.
A twinkle in her beautiful eyes and a small giggle, she said "Mum,
you always remind us to walk the talk but on staying dry it's a bit hard".
My eyes flew open. No words came from my open mouth.
How did I contradict myself?
Knowing these little eyes are constantly watching us, makes parenting a good place to live accountably.
She went on. "Mum, there's once we were playing outside with my baby brother and it started to pour. You called us into the house and asked we bundle up and keep warm. We did. I guess you didn't think we were watching, but you put on your pink gumboots and went out into the rain and stood in the rain enjoying every drop." Her smile had grown even bigger by now.
I weakly tried to deny any such an act but my voice trailed off to a mouse like squeak. Dry mouth. Awkward laughter but a sense of gratitude she had had an opportunity to watch her Mum worship God in rawness, in truth to give thanks with abandon... And not catch a cold...
I was glad she had a glimpse of watching her Mum happy and knew then she could do the same with ease.
Was that why her brother was catching rain drops on his tongue the other day and squealing with delight?
There is so much to give thanks for. Give thanks.
Their little eyes are watching.