Tough Missions

Living surrendered in obedience to God is hard and many times confusing. You make choices that would otherwise not make sense and out of reverence you still do. To the human eye and even yourself moments of doubt and frustration are many. Anger and rage may creep in but never should bitterness.

Take for example why was Hosea asked to marry Gomer. Not only was she not what we would call today a believer, but she was a harlot.  Hosea was a prophet...That is, she made an income from it so she was well reputed. It meant Hosea was the joke of the town. He got sneers and jabs from men who had drunk at her well. And he was a man of God. indeed he had made a mistake. He wanted marriage so bad he was hearing what he wanted, that he made the mistake of marrying Gomer.

Hosea was in the Bible for us to learn a lesson from. Live in obedience however hard the calling. However uncomfortable the calling.

Christians funnily seem to understand this the least and stone to death those carrying out already hard enough missions. The Hoseas are lonely and burdened , riducled and judged. The Good Samaritans often are the ones who come and offer a cool cup of water and bind up the Hoseas wounds , pay for the hospital bills and they part ways, each on their missions.

People are often doing the best with what they have, how they know how. We may see with our eyes what we may from our perspective, but would you be willing to walk a mile in their shoes if you were asked to before you judged them?

Pray this New year to have new eyes and ears to see and hear the hearts and minds of others. Too many people are carrying tough missions on this earth.

Do what you are doing seeking no reward. Do what you are called to do with passion, zest and joy. He will provide your every need. Explain to no one your mission only if you are called to. And is it really about you....or is about the Lord?
