In All Our Ways

A direct bus was not going to be half the adventure. So I took two buses that would allow me to see the development on the promising business area. Bus drivers and conductors always have a fresh perspective to issues so I enjoy riding gun shot. Today my anxious heart would be put to rest.

The wisdom of God seem foolishness to man the driver said. In sounding like the mad woman of the village, my stand on my vote isn't with the majority. Living in a stronghold area of one of the primarily predominant parties, it almost goes without saying that I should vote that way. One shop keeper yesterday suggested I stay home on election day if I am not voting for either of the major candidates. That mine would be a wasted vote.
I laughed and suggested I would give my vote to the candidate that provided comic relief during the presidential debate .

In all your ways commit your ways to the Lord. My grandest fear is to be found wanting by God as I make my choice for candidates this election . It is Him I would like to honour. not the opinion polls.

Too much blood has been shed. I am not one to ascertain the genuineness of ones repentance, but from my laymans view, true repentance has not been sought. Rather a synthesized form of impunity has taken a new form where the past is quickly swept away and almost an arrogance is deemed heroic. Alliances made with bed fellows known wanting are hailed.

It may be the reality but that doesn't make it right. Did I say my obligation to honour God comes before all ?

Lord make it known to your people what would please you. We are ready and willing to do your will.

Following day and you May think I am kidding but the same shop keeper had a copy of an old article of one of the primary contestants bedfellow. Whom we lay with, so are we. There was an article where he stood before a court and told them how a church that had been used as a sanctuary was set alight accidentally. Almost every one in the church perished. They were locked in and as the church burned with children, mothers, a popular personality in a wheelchair screamed for their lives, begged, they were guarded heavily to remain in the burning church.

Many times my memory doesn't serve
me too well but striking elements remain for me to remember not everything but enough to decide yes or no.

I courageously allow myself to be called the mad woman of the village not in rebellion but rather in humility.I will vote to honour who matters ;God

Something happened to my heart . I must confess. Staring back into eyes of men who had watched their families perish, can change you. Visiting an empty bed that was only the day before occupied. She died of shock I am told by her neighbours in the rapidly put up tents. Something happens to your heart when a trailer arrives at a rescue centre and while expecting supplies when the locked doors are opened, rather people fall out. They are silent. So are we. Healing is what I pray for my heart everyday. For the victims. Forgiveness. and now as we vote , wisdom
