
A road trip always freshens my mind. Doing central, east Nairobi, rift valley and Nyanza and back. I was anxious but i've positive energy around and all's going well so far. Shocking is the reality of the famine and its ravages. Evidence of reduced ground cover and gulleys formed from soil erosion. But there's hope and belief it will be well for before 8 am i see a shirtless man tilling his little shamba. They tell me they believe it will be well. The van is playing one of those classic lionel richie songs that catapults me far. Loving knowing some of the explicit scenes playing on the screen of anothe tune, i don't have to watch but rather enjoy the tunes and create my own less explicit scenes. Face book this morning has two new additions. Sms and notification a person is using a mobile phone. The driver looks like he's barely 18. Princess is reading her jughead for the umpteenth time and looking like its her first. Wonder how long they'll enforce the michuki rules? The little girl should be in school but evidently looks like her protective parents are taking her for medical attention in the city. My heart goes out to her... To them. A few winks now... It was a sight seeing a sudanese in the green and blue famous 50 year old Mathaithi primary uniform that has me believing the world belongs to us all. A sudanese with a kikuyu accent. I hope they borrow lessons from each other. His t shirt says don't abuse alcohol or drugs. Mental health is so neglected and is almost a taboo topic. How many people walk around stressed or depressed and don't know it? Alcohol is readily available, affordable and doesn't need a doctors visit. Ever heard of a free mental clinic? Peeling our jackets. She's being harsh to whoever she's speaking to on the phone. He's got a ring tone that turns heads...and he knows. The long leg of the journey begins. The floor of the rift valley is sincerely hot. It always will feel like a part of us with a million memories. The climb out is quiet until
The appearance of the green luscious bushes of tea. For the 2nd time this year, something hummed in my soul and its there i could almost swear my problems were drawn from me from either side of the road. The bushes sucked my problems? 20km away i was laughing a hearty laugh that had princess wide eyed. I was laughing from the belly. A new song in my heart was placed. Genuine warm reception was what my nervous travel mate didn't know he'd expect in Nyanza. I want to be swallowed in that. And indeed our host says there's no rush back. I love being kenyan. I don't believe its the same day. Am so refreshed. My host looks like its good here for them. I wouldn't mind that for us. The travel mercies, kindness and love we've experienced, the hope, couldn't be quantified nor a cost be repaid. In worship we lay down. In His laps, His wings will cover us. Thank you Lord. I cooked omena for the first time using a recipie from the internet. They all said it was delicious! The thunderstorm and rain was beautiful. I am sad to leave but i must. Going back a different route. Its soooooo green. I would live this life again. He says she looks like a nubian princess with her long elegant limbs and short hair. She's just beautiful to me. She's still reading her jughead. Must get her another. She's great fun. She had a blast with kids from a home yesterday. I always say education doesn't always have to late place in a classsroom and i doubt she'll ever forget that experience. There's a holiday on monday. I guess its ok to spend one night in Nairobi and try a white forest and go to my old church sunday morning which has spectacular worship and a children's sunday school that compares to none. My old friend, i'd like to see too. Many decisions to make but something tells me to take it one day at a time. It will be well. Never heard Jesus is Lord radio station before. He's taken a rest from the 2 hours nonstop yapping as his once captivated of 1 audience is feigning sleep . It was quite constructive chat, somewhat controversial.
