Now what they didn't tell me about this farming adventure is the blessings, the joy it comes with.
So you plant say a glass of beans and your harvest is about 5 kg of the same. If you buy seeds worth ksh 50 of spinach you get about 500 seedlings. Too much for one household eh? Now here's the secret noone ever tells you. Part of your harvest, say beans, fall back to the ground quite by error and grows again. Potatoes and sweet potatoes, you could never harvest completely, so they regrow with no effort on your part. If your harvest quality was good, the same seeds you harvested can be used in the new season. Your initial investment multiplies.
So it is with those around us. We love them, nurture them the best we can, invest our best in them, they grow to be healthy, balanced strong individuals who'll do the same when their time comes. Multiplication effect.
I watched with my jaw on the floor all easter, this couple who don't know how to give less than their all to their beautiful 3 daughters. Selflessly, tirelessly, consistently, with joy. Its possible yes. Courteous, kind, happy, loving, children. Am afraid like me, they have no idea how profound their efforts will grow to be. Guys, I know you are reading this note. you know yourselves! kudos and stand on a platform and tell parents it is possible!
God gives us seeds in form of our jobs, our health, our relationships our talents. He gives us all we need to nurture them. What are we going to do with them?
So you plant say a glass of beans and your harvest is about 5 kg of the same. If you buy seeds worth ksh 50 of spinach you get about 500 seedlings. Too much for one household eh? Now here's the secret noone ever tells you. Part of your harvest, say beans, fall back to the ground quite by error and grows again. Potatoes and sweet potatoes, you could never harvest completely, so they regrow with no effort on your part. If your harvest quality was good, the same seeds you harvested can be used in the new season. Your initial investment multiplies.
So it is with those around us. We love them, nurture them the best we can, invest our best in them, they grow to be healthy, balanced strong individuals who'll do the same when their time comes. Multiplication effect.
I watched with my jaw on the floor all easter, this couple who don't know how to give less than their all to their beautiful 3 daughters. Selflessly, tirelessly, consistently, with joy. Its possible yes. Courteous, kind, happy, loving, children. Am afraid like me, they have no idea how profound their efforts will grow to be. Guys, I know you are reading this note. you know yourselves! kudos and stand on a platform and tell parents it is possible!
God gives us seeds in form of our jobs, our health, our relationships our talents. He gives us all we need to nurture them. What are we going to do with them?