Strong Fences, Guarded Gates

His parents had died many years ago.

On Saturday we visited a farm left that he had inherited.

With us, was a neighbour and relative who knew the land well.

We walked through the land and along the fences and for several hours, my friend said little.
We bid the neighbour goodbye at the end of the day and we sat to have a meal back at the farmhouse.

In the sanctuary of the farmhouse, the heir placed his hands in his face and wept long and hard.

The years of leaving the farm in the hands of relations revealed devastation, greed, malice. He knew the work that lay ahead of him was enormous.

Rested and refreshed, two days later he read a passage of scripture to me he said was the solution to knowing where to start. 2Timothy 3:1-5.

The greatest challenge was the damaged fences and unattended gate which friends and enemies alike walked through and did as the pleased with the property.

Once reinforced, the fence would keep out the animals and people who ravished the land.

The fences would also only hold in those who had good intentions for the land, for their intentions would be revealed sooner or later though their actions.

In a home where there is a leadership gap and the current head of the home isn't rooted firmly in a vision of well being for the family, 'foxes' and 'moles' and 'termites' will bring down an empire. The empire will be brought down to its very end days by weakened fences and an unattended gate and a head who lacks wisdom and courage.

I encourage you all my friends to guard jealously and courageously, the legacy you intend to build for yourself and generations to come. You will be able to identify the foxes, moles and termites as described in the passage.


Written 10 years ago and since learnt that not all in a household may have wept tears at the devastation that was there but rather participated in it even after restoration.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah teaches us that there are some whose hearts are enslaved to the former life and will even revel with the evil of the land.

They came to destruction but those who were saved received greater. Intercede, cry for mercy, but truth is unrepentant evil does come under judgment