..but sadly he was loud. Rankerous. I'd love to use the word but not sure it's right. Hope we stop. I'd love some roast meat. Descending into the scenic rift valley floor. Sleepy but wondering what the exact thoughts of the guy who made these seats. They are unbelievably uncomfortable. Admiring princess who can use me as her cushion. We've agreed when she fills out i can do the same. The driver is professional. The meat was good. Now passenger incognito has eaten he's recharged and a few decibles louder.i've bullied the passenger next to us out of his peanuts. Am as excited as a little girl about... I dont know why. I guess its the belief it will be ok. Faith is such. Now he's talking of the origins of moonshine. All the land from elementaita to naivasha is one dude's. 15 acres would be a drop in the ocean for him for the IDP's camped on his farm. Well. Cool fresh air from a shower of rain. Yes indeed. Him tilling his land in hope was not in vain. Faith it would rain and his seeds would germinate ... 60 hours later i learn the trip wasn't about the journey. Its about more than anything, faith, love, truth. Let me tell you in my next note Pls.Souveniers i collected.