Bright smiling little faces on a Monday morning in a nursery class. singing and mimicking the teacher with purity and innocence glowing from buckets of love and a tad bit more Vaseline, unsure but trusting with all their hearts can muster
Corporate conference room.Razor sharp outfits, powdered faces. Brisk, short, quick, brief, mechanical. smiles that don't quite make it to the depths of the eyes. Killer instincts to survive the sterility.
Awoken from warm, sweaty duvets that smell homely, some fell to the floor, to hugs, a big warm mug of porridge, singing, laughter, prayer and praise.
Satin sheets, lava lamps alone to a cup of coffee on the run, radio presenter for company.
Living for now, certain of eternity? Platitudes to ease the mind said from the mouth, placating to just get by day by day, moment by moment.Heart missing in them.
Truth pours from the soul, real, true, deep,effortless. Peace; real soul-stillness, joy almost tangible.
Soul searching moments. Maybe not
Corporate conference room.Razor sharp outfits, powdered faces. Brisk, short, quick, brief, mechanical. smiles that don't quite make it to the depths of the eyes. Killer instincts to survive the sterility.
Awoken from warm, sweaty duvets that smell homely, some fell to the floor, to hugs, a big warm mug of porridge, singing, laughter, prayer and praise.
Satin sheets, lava lamps alone to a cup of coffee on the run, radio presenter for company.
Living for now, certain of eternity? Platitudes to ease the mind said from the mouth, placating to just get by day by day, moment by moment.Heart missing in them.
Truth pours from the soul, real, true, deep,effortless. Peace; real soul-stillness, joy almost tangible.
Soul searching moments. Maybe not