Most humbly, pls accept my apologies

I hope this finds you well.
I m sure i am the last person you want to hear from.
But my heart is burdened with guilt.
burdened with guilt of judgment of you.
who am i to judge you?
I am a powerless being in the same world you live in
Not a God(dess)
At this point i ask you forgive me
i have no right to judge you or anyone one else for that matter.
we do what we must because we feel justified, whether it is right or wrong
truthfully, even i have done my bit, feeling justified, whether it was
right or not, whether it hurt others or not.
i have learnt many lessons since then
i wish i could teach you of these lessons to avoid unnecessary hurt to you but its not my place

Friend, why do i bother?
i bother because my gut tells me you are a good (wo)man struggling to
believe exactly that.
i want nothing more than for you to believe that for yourself
i want nothing more for you to work towards the best for yourself
am not talking about just the basics and you know that

Choices are in our hands
In this cold to wear a sweater or not
To lie or not.
To eat or not
To love or not

Let your tombstone read
Hear lays a great (wo)man
not here lays a potentially good (wo)man.

something tells me i am not the only one who thinks so

We may preach and pray
But the choices are yours.

Said with nothing more than hope and best wishes

